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Our School

Engage in lifelong learning | Tākatū-ana te ako a-mate-noa

Reefton Area School Values


• Uses polite and appropriate language

• Listens and responds courteously
• Diversity  • Learning styles and strengths • People • Ethnicity and culture
• The environment • Themselves • Personal space


• Sets challenging achievable goals

• Contributes positively to their communities
• To be a good role model • To be a leader

• To be a problem solver

•To be enterprising

Self Manage
Tu Tāngata

• Self Manages
• Perseveres to achieve their goals

• Personal behaviour • Tools for learning
• Time management

• Takes pride in Appearance

Reefton Area School is committed to building supportive and effective learning environments for all students. Reefton Area School fully supports the principles and practices of School Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning

Who is PB4L for? 

PB4L helps to make schools better places to live, work and learn. It does so by giving schools the tools to build comprehensive, school-wide systems that support academic and behavioural learning for all students.

How will PB4L help children and the school?

PB4L promotes positive student behaviour by building the school’s leadership capacity and teachers’ knowledge, understanding and skills in applying effective school-wide behaviour systems.

PB4L boosts student engagement in learning by increasing attendance and retention and improving student behaviour.

PB4L helps schools deliver the highest quality learning programs to improve student academic and behavioural learning.

Positive Behaviour for Learning uses practices that include:

• A consistent school-wide system of support that helps define teach and support appropriate student behaviours, creating a positive school environment.
• School-wide discipline practices including establishing clear consequences
• Instruction in social skills helping students regulate their behaviour
• A focus on the prevention of problem behaviours and instruction in appropriate behaviour
• Helping teachers intervene effectively to manage behaviour in the classroom and other school environments
• Active supervision in all areas of the school
• Enabling the learning support team and PB4L team to plan and solve problems together
• External coaching to build capacity and provide consistent, region-wide support for schools.

Features of the PBFL program

• Establishing a school environment that supports long-term success

• Integrating positive academic and social behaviour expectations • Teaching desirable behaviours

• Improving behaviour support systems for students • Increasing positive interactions with students

• Using data for decision making • Decreasing reactive management • Maximising academic achievement



Reefton Area School Photos of Students
Reefton Area School photos of students


The office is open from 8.00am to 3.30pm on school days.  
Please make calls to the school during this time and persist if you cannot get through or leave a message on the answer phone that is cleared regularly.
Our email is also cleared on a regular basis and you are most welcome to use it.          

A roll check occurs each day at 8.50am and again at 11.30am.
If your student is going to be absent for the day, please advise the school office.
Students in Year 11 to 13 need to check the absence information in the NCEA assessment policy that they receive at the start of each year.


Senior students (Year 11 and above) may leave the school at the first lunchtime, without a pass.  Lunch passes are available for younger students to enable them to go home for lunch if they live in Reefton.


Clear expectations for the behaviour we expect will be established in all areas of our school. We will teach those expectations to the students and reward them frequently with our in-class and out-of-class reward systems.
The expectations for all student behaviour will be clear throughout our learning and social areas. A restorative approach is encouraged.  All staff will have professional development using restorative methodology and practices.​
School lunch is provided daily, and is eaten under supervision between 10.50-11am. The school has a healthy eating policy. Sweets and fizzy drink are not to be consumed at school unless it is a special occasion.

Leaving the School Grounds:
Students cannot leave the school grounds without obtaining permission.
Students must sign in and out at the office when they leave and return.

Reefton Area School Primary Intermediate

Discover the warmth of Reefton Area School, where every student is embraced in a caring, familial environment. From Year 0 to Year 13, we prioritize individual growth, offering tailored support from our dedicated staff. With state-of-the-art facilities including a vibrant library, and swimming pool your child will thrive academically and creatively. Our team of fully qualified teachers and committed support staff ensures a nurturing educational journey.

Join us at Reefton Area School, where every student is valued and empowered to excel.

Get in Touch

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Reefton Area School

10 Victory School

Reefton 7830



Term Dates

Term 1 - 2025:  

Monday 27 January - Friday 11 April
(Buller Anniversary holiday Monday 3rd February. Waitangi Day Thursday 6th February)

Term 2 - 2025:

Monday 28th April - Friday 27 June

(King's Birthday holiday Monday 2 June.

Matariki holiday Friday 20 June)

Term 3 - 2025:

Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September

Term 4 - 2025:

Monday 6 October - Date TBC
(Labour Day holiday Monday 27 October)

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